Letter Generator

Write an extension request in seconds

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Automatically Create a Letter Asking For an Extension

Note: Please don't share information that could be used to identify an individual.

A nickname or your tutor or teacher(e.g. Mr Bogie, Mrs Longnose, Mr Grumpy)

Seven adjectives (e.g. slippery, great, spiffing)

A part of the body, plural (e.g. arms, legs, lips)

Two parts of the boy, singular (e.g. arm, leg, ear)

What piece of work do you need an extension on (e.g. maths homework, dissertation, thesis)

Three relatives (e.g. sister, sister-in-law, half-sister)

A room (e.g. bedroom, kitchen, pantry)

One vegetable, plural (e.g. aubergines, courgettes, swedes)

A type of animal (e.g. kitten, puppy, cat)

Weapon, plural (e.g. guns, clubs, knives)

Three verbs (e.g. singing, chatting, working)

A verb, something you might do to someone else (e.g. kiss, tickle, punch)

Somewhere you might look for a missing object (e.g. the store cupboard, colleague's desks, the fridge)

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And finally, what's your name?

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Request an Extension

ask for an extension / dog ate homework / coursework excuses

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